TOP 10 Best Spell Combos Hogwarts Legacy And How To Use Them


In the Hogwarts legacy there is lot’s of spells to use but in this article we are going to see TOP 10 Best Spell Combos Hogwarts Legacy And How To Use Them.

TOP 10 Best Spell Combos Hogwarts Legacy
TOP 10 Best Spell Combos Hogwarts Legacy


If you play Hogwarts legacy then you know there are more than 27 spells in the Hogwarts legacy. Some spells are used for the defeat of your enemies and some spells are used for solving puzzles and other uses. You need to pick the perfect spell according to your situation in order to defeat your enemies.

For example:

When you Fight with enemies and they have various types of shield to guard gerd himself so perfect spell use will help you to break the enemies shield and defeat them. In this article I am Going to cover the best spell combination and how to use them according to situations that might help to win every time over enemies. 

Top 10 best spell combos Hogwarts legacy

These top 10 spells help you to improve your gameplay and win every time if you use this spell on the perfect time and with perfect enemies.

10. Beast Master Build

Beast Master combos
Beast Master combos

Beast Master Build is the tenth place in my least. As you explore the outside region of Hogwarts you will encounter lots of beasts and creatures that you can rescue and capture into your Vivarium in the room of requirements. Now you will think about how to catch these creatures. To capture them you just need to go close to them and use a bottomless beast bag to draw them into the bag.

Important point, they can escape while you try to capture them. It’s a very common thing when you try to capture  rare beasts such as Unicorns. To ensure you beast catch every time you need to sneak up on them using Disillusionment spell or cast Arresto Momento, Glacius to hold them into their place to make sure they can’t escape. Then use your bag to capture them. 

I am 100% sure you will be able to capture those beasts with these methods otherwise you will miss your rare beast capture. 

To Sneak on Beasts use Disillusionment spell or cast Arresto Momento, Glacius spell helps to hold the beast on there place using those spells you will be able Capture Rare Beasts and become beast master.

9.Utility combos Combos

Utility combos Combos
Utility combos Combo

While you Playing Hogwarts legacy you will explore various types of areas and dungeons around Hogwarts, while you are exploring the various areas you will encounter lots of Puzzles and obstacles, To solve those puzzles you need Certain spells. As the game progres you will gain 3 more extra spell combinations so it makes a total of 4 spells that you can eas;ly switch.

It can be really handy to reserve one of these setups for your utility spells and it’s very useful to avoid manually changing out when you solve the next puzzle. Lumos Spell will help you to see in dark areas, solve mirror Puzzles and merrills trials and also helps you to avoid devils Tarps. There are 2 more spells Accio and Levioso. Both spells are frequently used to hard to reach places and our last spell which helps to open locked eye Chests and doors that spell you Cast is Disillusionment, This spell helps you to avoid unwanted enemies encounter.

There is a utility spell that helps you to solve puzzles and find dungeons and open it. These are some utility Spells Lumos Spell, Accio and Levioso.on hard reached places, Disillusionment to open doors and chests.

8 Shadow Mage combos

Shadow Mage combos
Shadow Mage combos

Previous spells I Covered are Functional build spells, But now I am going to cover one of the best heavy combat spells. The shadow Mage Build is a very great combination of tactful and power. Using the spell Disillusionment allows you to sneak up on enemies before they notice you and eliminate them and throw him out of the fight without anyone noticing you. 

After sneaking up on them eventually they notice you at some point or you will get tired from sneaking. You can use Accio spell to pull them to yourself and after that cast Incendio to set on the fire. By chance if you face strong Enemies you can snatch their wands or weapons they are using just by casting spell Expelliarmus that helps you to hold them from charging on you with their powerful attack or spells.

These Spells are very dangerous to defeat enemies just Sneaking up on them and defeating them easily. These are some Disillusionment to snake on theme then use Accio spell to pull theme then cast Incendio to burn theme.

7.Curse spell combos

Curse spell combos
Curse Spell Combos

In the game you have the option to not choose to learn the three cursed spells but if you ask me I will suggest you to learn those spells that increase your Experience and give enjoyment to play. The Curse Spell combos are amazing and give heavy damage to individual enemies and also helps you to make sure enemies are not able to use their advantage of numbers

Here are the best Curse spells from the game. Casting Imperio  spell on enemies that make that individual person attack on there own peoples in short this spell make enemies to your “Ally” of the moment on the battlefield and you can combine this attack with Crucio   and detonate your enemy and give damage the other enemies around theme .casting Leviosa on enemies you will able to lactate in the air and smash theme down using Descendo Spell these methods even useful when you facing strong enemies.

Casting Spell curse Combos helps you to enjoy the game even more and defeat enemies. There are some curse spell combos Imperio  this Spell Helps to control enemies, Crucio to torture them, Leviosa to Levitate them in air and slam teme using Descendo Spell

6.Dark Wizard Spell Combos 

Dark Wizard Spell Combos
Dark Wizard Spell Combos 

After reading the name you already guessed that  Dark Wizards are very dangerous Curses spells to defeat your enemies. But these Dark spells are not regular spells to use. These types of spells are very balanced and also dark. Crusio made enemies helpless and torture with pain you can also combine this spell with powerful spell Confringo.

If you wants to avoid from Are boss you need to cast Expelliarmus  this spell cast to disarm theme and then cast you regular basic attack, when they fumble to grab there wond or other random enemies charge in you need to always use one shot kill attack such as Dark Wizards spell like Avada Kedavra to kill theme.

5 Elemental Spell Combo

Elemental Spell Combo
Credit to Google :Elemental Spell Combo

In the Hogwarts legacy there are some enemies that are weaker in front of Elements such as Spiders and Inferi they take lots of damage when you use fire spells on them and these enemies encounter you when you go to any dungeons and catacombs. To do fire attack you need to cast a ring of fire and Confringo spell to shoot bolt on the enemy before they charged on your. 

This fire type spell attack also worked against the goblins and Dark Wizards. To cast perfect attack on the theme First you need to cast Glacius Spell on the theme to hold the theme on the one place and make sure your spell hits Perfectly and this will give extra damage when they break. You combine these spells with Depulso spells using these combos you will be able to drop down any enemies with just one to two combos.

4 Executioner spell combo

Executioner spell combo
Executioner spell combo

Executioner Spell combos are similar powerful to dark spell combos but more effective, Similar to hangman. Arresto Momento spell, This spell immobilises the enemies in the midair and casts Bombarda spells who are able to make powerful blasts to know multiple enemies at time.

You already know Crucio spells are able to immobilise enemies just temporarily and train their health over the time and give them damage. If you combine this spell  with Bombarda blast  you will be able to spread the pain of Crusio spell on the wide area and target multiple enemies at once after launching this attack Crucio take Time to recharge in that another powerful enemy attack you will use Arresto Momento as backup or if you wants to finish the enemies you will use Avada Kedavra to kill theme in one hit.

3.Dark Lord spell combo

Dark Lord spell combo
Dark Lord spell combo

The Dark Lord spell combo is an amazing way to show you the evil side in the game. Using the Crucio and Imporio combined at the same time these combos make sure they will give the most pain to your enemies and make them fight from your side.

 If you want to be the most dangerous player in the game then the Confringo spell is the best spell around you. This spell recharges quickly compared to other spell curses in the game and this spell also works with hitting enemies with a fire blast.. If you want to be a dark lord you need to kill at least one person during a fight using Avada Kedavra  to kill them.

2.Battle Mage spell combo

Battle Mage spell combo
Battle Mage spell combo

Battle Mage spell combos are similar to  Dark Wizards. This spell equipped with damage , Control and force this combos helps you to break through any enemy shield. 

First cast Arresto Momento to freeze in midair and make them unguarded to attack them. This attack is even more effective when you combine this with a Descendo spell to slam them into ground and this causes the blast and gives damage to anyone who is near to them. Expelliarmus spell helps to Disarm the enemies and get you close to the enemies and the last use of the most important spell in Battle Mage combo is Confringo to give theme damage.

1.Legendary spell combo

Legendary spell combo
Legendary spell combo

Do you think Battle Mage Build are the best? You think like that you are wrong there one more best most powerful and balanced build in the game. In this build you will be able to use each spell that helps you to fight with an enemy shield.

 First Cast Glacius to hold the theme at once place and then after cast Diffindo to Cut thyroid and shatter them. The Diffindo Spell also can cut through numbers of enemies at once when you upgrade this spell and this makes it the most useful spell on the battlefield when you are facing a large number of enemies around you. 

The Legendary build also comes with the Confringo spell which allows you to cast most effective damage on enemies; it’s especially effective on spiders and Infero, they all are weak against fire. In this build also able to use the Depulso spell. Using this spell you will be able to fly the enemy away from you and blast theme you can or you can throw enmes to each other and give damage. 

This Legendary build had very strong combos that you can use this through entire series and it’s helps to win every time.


Tell me, In the comment section about top 10 Hogwarts legacy spells who helps you improve you gameplay and don’t forgot toc heck our other blog related to Resident Evil Puzzles and other information related to gaming and gaming Facts such as GTA Game Facts.

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Author: Amit NaameHello, My Name is Amit Dilip name, I am the writer and founder of this blog site and i am share information related to gaming world, how to play games and daily updates of gaming world.

Hello, My Name is Amit Dilip name, I am the writer and founder of this blog site and i am share information related to gaming world, how to play games and daily updates of gaming world.

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