Beast Master Build

To Sneak on Beasts use Disillusionment spell or cast Arresto Momento, Glacius spell helps to hold the beast .

9.Utility combos Combos

utility Spells Lumos Spell, Accio and Levioso.on hard reached places, Disillusionment to open doors and chests.  

8 Shadow Mage combos 

Disillusionment to snake on theme then use Accio spell to pull theme then cast Incendio to burn theme. 

7.Curse spell combos

Imperio  this Spell Helps to control enemies, Crucio to torture them, Leviosa to Levitate them in air and slam teme using Descendo Spell 

6.Dark Wizard Spell Combos

Cast the spell Expelliarmus to disarm and kill the theme with Dark Wizards spell like Avada Kedavra to kill the theme.

5 Elemental Spell Combo

some enemies that are weaker in front of Elements such as Spiders and Inferi cast a ring of fire and Confringo spell to shoot bolt on the enemy before they charged on your.

4 Executioner spell combo 

Arresto Momento spell, This spell immobilises the enemies in the midair and casts Bombarda spells who are able to make powerful blasts to know multiple enemies at time. 

3.Dark Lord spell combo

Crucio and Imporio combined at the same time these combos make sure they will give the most pain to your enemies and make them fight from your side.

2.Battle Mage spell combo

Battle Mage spell combos are similar to  Dark Wizards. This spell equipped with damage , Control and force this combos helps you to break through any enemy shield.  

First Cast Glacius to hold the theme at once place and  cast Diffindo to Cut though and shatter them. 

1.Legendary spell combo 

Hogwarts legacy then you know there are more than 27 spells in the Hogwarts legacy.

Best Spell Combos Hogwarts Legacy And How To Use Them